Contact Us

9 Brenda Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1V 0J7

phone: 613-247-2112
fax: 613-247-9393

Team Coaching

Are your team members all speaking a common language?

Imagine a time and place where everyone in your organization shares a common language. A language that allows them to communicate effectively, with customers and colleagues. A language that helps them to recognize and value the contributions each individual can make. A language that makes personal development, empowerment and team centered leadership a way of life.

With team coaching from Your Leadership Works, we will guide your team to a place where all of these things are possible.

Each person in every organization is unique. They bring different styles, needs and ways of communicating. In these differences are great strengths. Our coaches can lead you on a journey using “Insights” to understand how to combine those strengths and build upon them to ensure you achieve your aims.

Working with “Insights”

Working in partnership with you, we identify the key people issues in your organization. During the consultative process, we use a diagnostic approach to map out a clear strategy and direction. We make understanding your business our business.

Based around the Insights common language, we adopt a strategic approach to help you implement effective and efficient training programs in your organization. These programs are business-driven, flexible and customized to enable you to achieve your goals. They can be adapted to all levels of your organization.

Making the Journey Together

Because success is a journey, not a final destination, your aims can change and develop over time. That’s why Insights’ approach is flexible, focused on your needs and based on partnership over the longer term.

We cannot control the direction of the wind, but we can adjust the sails. At Insights, the goal is to help you take your organization where you want it to be. To travel with you on a journey of discovery. To reach a destination where your vision becomes reality..