Contact Us

9 Brenda Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1V 0J7

phone: 613-247-2112
fax: 613-247-9393

Communication Skills

Immediate Results

  • Use communication skills to enhance relationships.
  • Establish and maintain rapport with your clients, staff and colleagues.
  • Inspire shared outcomes.
  • Ask the right questions.
  • Really hear the answers.
  • Use language to increase understanding and commitment, and create motivation.
  • Retain valued team members, long term.
  • Deliver presentations and speeches that are engaging and persuasive.
  • Use the Pegasus Model for high-powered meetings.
  • Align and synchronize corporate, team and personal goals, and move toward what you want.
  • Become 100% responsible for the power of your communication.

Creating Rapport is always WIN/WIN

Effective communication is a process that can be learned and applied in any situation in your life. The principles of Result-based Communication work to enhance understanding, team spirit and performance among people who have different perspectives, values, beliefs, experience and agendas.

This course will teach you how to identify another’s point of view and relate to others in a way that respects their model of the world and opens them up to yours.

Once you learn how to develop rapport in any situation, misunderstandings are minimized, awareness is expanded and better relationships are developed.

Result-based communication skills allow you to be clear, precise, decisive and congruent in the identification and pursuit of your personal and corporate goals.

As a more practiced communicator, you will provide the leadership to effectively inform, motivate and empower others toward maximum achievement of your shared outcomes.

This two-day training will give you the tools you need to show, tell, inspire and lead your team to be the best that they can be. And to enjoy the experience..